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Summarized Content

i was very skeptical about the theory u emerging future process and had doubts about it giving me viable insights into my own and my organizational struggles. after seeing the example of sculpting by our course leadership, i was even more cynical about the benefits of the emerging future exercise. it was only when i presented my case study that i was able to discover my own blind spots and tools to as*ist in fixing my own processes thanks to the feedback i received from my case study team. the theory u workshop allowed me to connect with others in a way i had not before. i found the small group work and 4d mapping incredibly helpful when i applied these techniques learned during the workshop, to my team meetings. i wasn't sure what to expect heading in to the theory u workshop, but i left feeling grateful for the experience.  theory u was a life-changing experience that taught me invaluable lessons about myself and how i interact with the world around me.  my thinking about my past, present, and future shifted dramatically after going through theory u.  this shift allowed me to make both major and minor changes in my life that have kept me moving forward.  theory u was invaluable!   i will write this word – trust. it is fourte*n months later, and what i previewed then continues to reveal all the abundant ways it has, is, and will continue to come into fruition for the rest of my life. now i live more present, in now as i keep an eye to the horizon for my goals and dreams. i grew in my ability to hear with my heart through the gesturing exercises. i grew in my ability to understand that often in the silence is when we can hear the most. trust. of self. of life’s flow. of each encounter with another person. perhaps this is where i should add one more word – thrive. foreseeing the emerging future helps high-level leaders find, clarify, and trust their inner voice and actualize mental imagery to help organizations reach their true potential. while immersed in the pure bliss of south florida luxury, you will learn to harness the power of

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Title: Foresight Development | United States | Foreseeing the Emerging Could be improved
Description: Personal Development | United States | Foreseeing the Emerging Could be improved
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Workshop | United States | Foreseeing the Emerging Future


3-day leadership confernce of a remarkable group of professors, leaders, speakers, and collaborators to develop your capacity for path-finding foresight, take your team from good to great, and overcome your organization's challenges.


Jakob Zetwick


FACILITATORS | United States | Foreseeing the Emerging Future


Facilitated by two Gonzaga University alumni skilled in the TheoryU concept, Debbie Heiser and Christina Red , and aided by Gonzaga University professors Dr. Horsman and Dr. Gambrell, participating leaders will be guided in examining the undeveloped potential of your organization or community.



Jakob Zetwick


REGISTRATION | United States | Foreseeing the Emerging Future


Join Us for a Theory U leadership workshop in Fort Lauderdale, FL.


Jakob Zetwick


Fort Lauderdale Beach


CONTACT | United States | Foreseeing the Emerging Future


CONTACT | United States | Foreseeing the Emerging Future


Jakob Zetwick



All the information about 4seeingthefuture.com was collected from publicly available sources

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