2tigersdesign.com Website Review

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Summarized Content

Design is an experience. Good design evokes joy and creates an emotional connection. We believe design gives form to function but we 好看的設計不難,但要讓設計變得重要不簡單。有內涵的設計,才能有觸動與回味; 因為這是真實的,本來就存在的品牌精神與價值。只是透過設計的安排,一層一層的疊進消費者的心。 To create good design is not hard but to make design matter is not easy. Design is interaction. It needs to have substance in order to expand our boundaries and evoke emotion. This is the value of good design. With these design beliefs we use the inherent spirit and values that already exist in a brand to create elements that settle and stack up in a consumer’s heart, layer by layer. 《 設計與情感 Design and Emotion 》 《 讓人愉悦的好設計 Pleasure things work better 》 Design is an experience. Good design evokes joy and creates an emotional connection. We believe design gives form to function but we 好看的設計不難,但要讓設計變得重要不簡單。有內涵的設計,才能有觸動與回味; 因為這是真實的,本來就存在的品牌精神與價值。 To create good design is not hard but to make design matter is not easy. Design is interaction. It needs to have substance in order to expand our boundaries and evoke emotion. This is the value of good design. With these design beliefs we use the inherent spirit and values that already exist in a brand to create elements that settle and stack up in a consumer’s heart, layer by layer.

2tigersdesign Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: 2TIGERS design studio Could be improved
Description: Hello. We are a small multi-disciplinary design studio. Our job is to make things beautiful and
H1: 兩隻老虎 | 2TIGERS designIs it informative enough?
H2: AboutIs it informative enough?

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2TIGERS design studio 兩隻老虎設計工作室


Hello. We are a small multi-disciplinary design studio. Our job is to make things beautiful and fun. 2007成立 品牌與企業識別形象中沒有設計師的自我與特色,只有投入其企業文化中 體會琢磨,並同時關心市場,才有機會精準呈現。 設計是呈現文化的另一種方式,最終目的是與市場一起閱讀並產生共鳴。 服務項目 品牌規劃設計 Branding 企業識別系統設計 CI / VI 視覺平面設計 Communications Design 包裝設計 Packaging Design 產品設計 Product Design 空間視覺形象整合 Store Identity 「設計與情感 Design and Emotion」 當我們接觸任何事物,情感與感官會介入我們「使用」的過程中, 因為人有情感,所以設計有存在價值。 Design is an experience. Good design evokes joy and creates an emotional connection. We believe design gives form to function but we also believe design gives form to emotion. 「讓人愉悅的好設計 Pleasure things work better」 好看的設計不難,但要讓設計變得重要不簡單.有內涵的設計,才能有觸動與回味; 因為這是真實的,本來就存在的品牌精神與價值.只是透過設計的安排,一層一層的疊進消費者的心. To create good design is not hard but to make design matter is not easy.Design is interaction. It needs to have substance in order to expand our boundaries and evoke emotion. This is the value of good design. With these design beliefs we use the inherent spirit and values that already exist in a brand to create elements that settle and stack up in a consumer’s heart, layer by layer.


兩隻老虎 | 2TIGERS design

All the information about 2tigersdesign.com was collected from publicly available sources

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