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FastKeys is an app for your new smart lock & home. But it's so much more then that.. Every time. With FastKeys+, not only can you switch on and adjust any light in your home remotely, but you can also save your favorite lighting scenes to match your mood of purpose. And FastKeys+ even remembers to turn off the lights when you leave. FastKeys is a leading provider of cutting-edge technologies and services, offering scalable solutions for businesses of all sizes. Founded by a group of friends who started by scribbling their ideas on a piece of paper, today we offer smart, innovative services to dozens of clients worldwide. Why not join our fast growing client base? Get in touch today to learn more. At FastKeys, our comprehensive technological solutions help industry leading companies and individuals achieve greater success. Our platform has a wide range of features that were created with an aim to help you live differently. In order to empower our users to do better, FastKeys is continually building upon its technology, so stay in touch to learn about upgrades and other changes. For a free demo, contact us FastKeys can be easily installed by you and comes with step by step instructions of the installation process. Buying a new home? Renovating? Ask your builder or contractor about how to get started with FastKeys. This is what smart home locks should be: preinstalled, easy to use, impossible to live without once you have experienced it. FastKeys brings everything together in one elegant home interface and one easy app. FastKeys learns and adapts. FastKeys protects your home. Buying a new home? Renovating? Ask your builder or contractor about how to get started with FastKeys.

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Title: Could be improved
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H1: Hello FastKeys FastKeys is an app for your new smart lock & home. But it's so much more then that...
H2: Perfect lighting in every room Every time. With FastKeys+, not only can you switch on and adjust any light in your home remotely, but you
H3: SECURITY REDIFINEDIs it informative enough?

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I'm a product description. I'm a great place to add more details about your product such as sizing, material, care instructions and cleaning instructions.


Hello FastKeys FastKeys is an app for your new smart lock & home. But it's so much more then that... .st0{fill:#AAC938;} .st1{fill:#E0DB22;} .st6{fill:#F36C26;} .st7{fill:#F5AC1E;} .st11{fill:#789A5B;} .st8{fill:#FFFFFF;} .st2{font-size:34.3716px;} .st3{font-size:24.0107px;} .st4{font-size:21.9776px;} .st5{font-size:38.7552px;} .st9{font-size:13.189px;} .st10{font-family:HelveticaNeue-CondensedBlack, HelveticaNeueBoldCondensed, HelveticaNeue; font-stretch: 'condensed'; font-weight: 600;} LIGHTING LIGHTING LIGHTING LIGHTING LIGHTING Perfect lighting in every room Every time. With FastKeys+, not only can you switch on and adjust any light in your home remotely, but you can also save your favorite lighting scenes to match your mood of purpose. And FastKeys+ even remembers to turn off the lights when you leave. Pot Lights 10 Track Lights 10 Table Lights 10 Hi Honey. Did you lock the front door? Ummm... Maybe? Are you serious? },,name:skiddapop},{id:1eb284f4-e2f5-4e19-b924-84416e33d616,embedType:custom,pages:[fu8q6],position:head,loadOnce:false,content:{type:custom,html: FastKeys },,name:skiddapop},{id:1fba6dd7-70fd-4e3b-abe8-7071b846d4db,embedType:custom,pages:[fu8q6],position:bodyEnd,loadOnce:false,content:{type:custom,html: Activity warnings when your away. Reduce energy & save money. ₹ 0mth NO fees for the first year Security Redefined Unlimited users Remote access Smart lighting Smart thermostat FastKeys is the future of smart locks. With security, convenience and affordability as our focus. Affordable for everyone. FastKeys can be easily installed by you and comes with step by step instructions of the installation process. Ask for FastKeys Buying a new home? Renovating? Ask your builder or contractor about how to get started with FastKeys. This is what smart home locks should be: preinstalled, easy to use, impossible to live without once you have experienced it. FastKeys brings everything together in one elegant home interface and one easy app. FastKeys learns and adapts. FastKeys protects your home. Contact us Email [email protected] [email protected] Support [email protected] Copyright © 2019 FastKeys.Inc Ask for FastKeys Buying a new home? Renovating? Ask your builder or contractor about how to get started with FastKeys. },,name:skiddapop}],pageList:{pages:[{pageId:ebkav,title:Shop,pageUriSEO:shop,pageJsonFileName:0df60e_e2e2eddb91ad11869a5911ae499354aa_12.json},{pageId:fu8q6,title:Home,pageUriSEO:home-1,pageJsonFileName:0df60e_ee4b5f537c1f35a609ba40efbed05494_12.json},{pageId:c72ef,title:Checkout,pageUriSEO:checkout,pageJsonFileName:0df60e_afd36cb04ef99a599e0977ab63d60780_11.json},{pageId:i74wx,title:Product Page,pageUriSEO:product-page,pageJsonFileName:0df60e_dc1cb6a66576fecbac17733542c9fc8f_11.json},{pageId:lhfxv,title:New Page,pageUriSEO:blank,pageJsonFileName:0df60e_0161f648f675b54cc0872f537dd4d6f4_12.json},{pageId:euk9f,title:Cart,pageUriSEO:cart,pageJsonFileName:0df60e_c431f6f9d5cf85f46ffbea720af1ada2_11.json},{pageId:kvgjk,title:Thank You Page,pageUriSEO:thank-you-page,pageJsonFileName:0df60e_0eb01edd6c73ae061a5108b68f1771ff_11.json}],mainPageId:fu8q6,masterPageJsonFileName:0df60e_7adba8df71fb54ea060720675853ed2a_12.json,topology:[{baseUrl:,parts:sites/{filename}.z?v=3},{baseUrl:,parts:sites/{filename}.z?v=3},{baseUrl:,parts:sites/{filename}.z?v=3},{baseUrl:,parts:wix-html-editor-pages-webapp/page/{filename}}],fixedPagePath:{baseUrl:site,parts:/fixedData?ck={ck}&experiments={experiments}&isHttps={isHttps}&isUrlMigrated={isUrlMigrated}&metaSiteId={metaSiteId}&pageId={pageId}&quickActionsMenuEnabled={quickActionsMenuEnabled}&siteId=5c527281-2c32-40f8-a915-994d884d1432v=3&version={version}}},timeSincePublish:707536384,favicon:,deviceInfo:{deviceType:Desktop,browserType:Firefox,browserVersion:0},siteRevision:12,sessionInfo:{hs:-1960753053,svSession:8e646d34409d93d49f4c12563ac243e8656f06bdd540b57582ea36a3862eddbc423af6e1553ecefc8e8ab44033cc3b331e60994d53964e647acf431e4f798bcdc635696c0714ce2b39e150e8b7ccdc77c81806c9a1e1c77eadf598fe20cff4a5,ctToken:c1VQb1JJNm1XTWtqbEg1ejNOVDZhNDRZS2NldmM4Y3RxaHJOaVdxZXpaUXx7InVzZXJBZ2VudCI6Ik1vemlsbGEvNS4wIChXaW5kb3dzOyBVOyBXaW5kb3dzIE5UIDUuMTsgcnY6MS43LjMpIEdlY2tvLzIwMDQxMDAxIEZpcmVmb3gvMC4xMC4xIiwidmFsaWRUaHJvdWdoIjoxNTU0NDk1NjIyODQ1fQ,isAnonymous:false,visitorId:eb1a22c1-0d9b-420e-9f3c-41ef6c8e2977},metaSiteFlags:[],siteMembersProtectedPages:[],indexable:true,hasBlogAmp:false,renderTime:1553890822861,siteDisplayName:FastKeys,site ets:{cacheVersions:{dataFixer:1}},siteMeshReady:true,layoutMechanism:ANCHORS}; var google ytics = ; var ipAnonymization = false; var googleRemarketing = ; var googleTagManager = ; var facebookRemarketing = ; var yandexMetrika = ; // BEAT MESSAGE var wixBiSession = { initialTimestamp: , requestId: (function(m) { return m ? m[1] : ''})(do ent.cookie.match(/requestId=([^;]*)/)) , viewerSessionId: ' xx- x-4 -y - '.replace(/[xy]/g,function(c){var r=Math.random()*16|0,v=c=='x'?r:(r&0x3|0x8);return v.toString(16);}) , initialRequestTimestamp: (function() {return performance.timeOrigin ? performance.timeOrigin : -;})() , visitorId: publicModel.sessionInfo.visitorId , is_rollout: 0 , is_platform_loaded: 1 , dc: '42' , renderType: 'bolt' , wixBoltExclusionReason: '' , wixBoltExclusionReasonMoreInfo: '' , sendBeacon: /(?|&)suppressbi=true(&|$)/.test( ? function() {} : function(url) { var sent = false; try { sent = navigator.sendBeacon(url); } catch (e) {} if (!sent) { (new Image()).src = url; } } , sendBeat: (function () { var caching, match = do ent.cookie.match(/ssr-caching=cache.desc=(w+).(?:varnish=(w+))?/); if (!match) { caching = 'none'; } else if (!match[2]) { caching = match[1] + ',none'; } else { caching = match.slice(1).join(); } var isCached = caching.indexOf(hit) === 0; var beatUrl = '' + '&v=1.2161.0' + '&msid=f6be13a7-1c42-4b9c-bdc0-5ae9da7f0bde' + '&isp=1' + '&st=2' + '&dc=42' + '&iss=1' + '&url=' + encodeURIComponent(location.href.replace(/^http(s)?://(www.)?/, '')) + '&is_cached=' + isCached + '&caching=' + caching; var referrer = do ent.referrer; if (referrer) { beatUrl += '&ref=' + encodeURIComponent(referrer); } match = do ent.cookie.match(/_wixCIDX=([^;]*)/) if (match) { beatUrl += '&client_id=' + match[1]; } return function(et, name, extra, isPageEvent) { var tts = ''; if ( { tts = '&tts=' + Math.round(; } if (name && performance.mark) { performance.mark(name + ' (beat ' + et + ')'); } var ts = et === 1 ? 0 : - wixBiSession.initialTimestamp; extra = extra || '' if (extra.indexOf('pn=') === -1) { extra = '&pn=1' + extra } if (isPageEvent) { beatUrl = beatUrl.replace('evid=3', 'evid=5'); } wixBiSession.sendBeacon(beatUrl + '&et=' + et + (name ? 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Perfect lighting in every room Every time. With FastKeys+, not only can you switch on and adjust any light in your home remotely, but you can also save your favorite lighting scenes to match your mood of purpose. And FastKeys+ even remembers to turn off the lights when you leave. Pot Lights 10 Track Lights 10 Table Lights 10 Hi Honey. Did you lock the front door? Ummm... Maybe? Are you serious? },,name:skiddapop},{id:1eb284f4-e2f5-4e19-b924-84416e33d616,embedType:custom,pages:[fu8q6],position:head,loadOnce:false,content:{type:custom,html: FastKeys },,name:skiddapop},{id:1fba6dd7-70fd-4e3b-abe8-7071b846d4db,embedType:custom,pages:[fu8q6],position:bodyEnd,loadOnce:false,content:{type:custom,html: Activity warnings when your away. Reduce energy & save money. ₹ 0mth NO fees for the first year Security Redefined Unlimited users Remote access Smart lighting Smart thermostat FastKeys is the future of smart locks. With security, convenience and affordability as our focus. Affordable for everyone. FastKeys can be easily installed by you and comes with step by step instructions of the installation process. Ask for FastKeys Buying a new home? Renovating? Ask your builder or contractor about how to get started with FastKeys. This is what smart home locks should be: preinstalled, easy to use, impossible to live without once you have experienced it. FastKeys brings everything together in one elegant home interface and one easy app. FastKeys learns and adapts. FastKeys protects your home. Contact us Email [email protected] [email protected] Support [email protected] Copyright © 2019 FastKeys.Inc Ask for FastKeys Buying a new home? Renovating? 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