Iitian.me Website Review

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Website Value $258
Alexa Rank 1633888
Monthly Visits 2865
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Monthly Earnings $14.33
Daily Earnings $0.48
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Country: India
Metropolitan Area: New Delhi
Postal Reference Code: 110001
Latitude: 28.6358
Longitude: 77.2245

Summarized Content

An exclusive platform to raise our voices across the country & the world. We like to consider this platform as a primary medium to share stories & fairy tales by IITians with interesting ideas and perspectives that could potentially blast your mind! If you're wondering which SMS API provider would be the best or the most reliable for your startup to send OTPs during user registrations or signups, I would highly recommend Msg91.comI have been researching for a good SMS API service that not only h.. Sashi Tharoor insulted my Naga tribesmen but would all be forgiven and forgotten? ​I'm a proud Naga tribesman born in a small town of Manipur, a state in North East India. I Left Imphal, Manipur due to growing civil unrest among the different ethnic communities in my te*nage years and this civil unrest remains. Here's why we started MyResumeFormat.com and how people are going crazy! I must have edited and designed over 10 Resume in the last 4-5 years for friends from college and elswhere. It's not an easy task to compress so much information in a page or two but favour is a favour and one has to help a friend in need.My tea.. This is a piece on social media responsibility -- accountability to contentA post by one of my friends - one whom I adore for her strong headed personality - was followed by the hashtag: #neverapologiseforwhoyouareYou see, the hashtag bothered Every Indian including the NRI's would remember the speeches PM Narendra Modi gave about black money stashed abroad in the Swiss bank accounts. That, if brought back, every Indian citizen could get Rs 15 lakhs each. With the latest news headline.. Finally, the Delhi Metro's Magenta Line opens for the public. I've been excitedly waiting for this Magenta Line to open hoping to have my commute cut down by half. Boy! I have never been more wrong in my life.For starters, I live in Va.. Linear regression is a kind of supervised learning algorithm; you feed some training data to the model, the model learns the best

Iitian Main Page Content

HTML Tag Content Informative?
Title: Stories by IITians - Could be improved
Description: IITian.Me is an exclusive platform for IITians to write and share stories and fairy tales with interesting ideas and perspectives that could potentially blast your
H1: Calling all IITians!Is it informative enough?
H3: Popular StoriesIs it informative enough?

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Recent Stories - IITian.Me


IITian.Me is an exclusive platform for IITians to write and share stories and fairy tales with interesting ideas and perspectives that could potentially blast your mind.


Reliable SMS API for OTP in India


Featured Stories


Featured Stories - IITian.Me


IITian.Me is an exclusive platform for IITians to write and share stories and fairy tales with interesting ideas and perspectives that could potentially blast your mind.


Why I decided against buying a car for myself


IITian.Me is an exclusive platform for IITians to write and share stories and fairy tales with interesting ideas and perspectives that could potentially blast your mind.


Member Login




IITian.Me is an exclusive platform for IITians to write and share stories and fairy tales with interesting ideas and perspectives that could potentially blast your mind.




Ningning Niumai - IITian.Me


IITian.Me is an exclusive platform for IITians to write and share stories and fairy tales with interesting ideas and perspectives that could potentially blast your mind.


Ningning Niumai

All the information about iitian.me was collected from publicly available sources

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